As part of ensuring equal and active access for persons with disabilities (PwDs) to all aspects of daily life, the Heraklion Port Authority announces that citizens with disabilities, accompanied by an escort, are welcome to visit the Northern Breakwater (via the road by bus) daily from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., weather permitting and provided that port operations are not disrupted.
For the safety of PwDs, a security guard will be present at the entrance. This measure applies exclusively to PwDs.
The timeframe of 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. for supervised access is being implemented on a pilot basis, with plans to introduce an automated technical solution in the future.
Pedestrian access to the Northern Breakwater is permitted from sunrise to sunset, subject to favorable weather conditions and without disrupting port operations.
The entry and circulation of vehicles, including bicycles and scooters, on the Northern Breakwater is prohibited. This restriction does not apply to official vehicles of the Heraklion Port Authority S.A., law enforcement agencies, emergency medical services, and vehicles with special permits issued by the Port Authority.
The Heraklion Port Authority emphasizes that the above measures have been implemented solely for the safety of citizens and to prevent accidents, which have occurred in the past.
Heraklion Port Authority S.A.